Back in Step Physical Therapy specializes in Dance Medicine.

We treat dancers, figure skaters, gymnasts, and more, whether you’re an amateur or a professional. Your sessions and your home programs are specifically designed to address the needs of your art.

We also believe in treating the dancer in more ways than one. During our sessions, we not only address your physical needs, but will also discuss nutrition, stress management, and overall health and wellness. We want to cover all things to keep you safe and healthy throughout your dance career!

Services include:


Why choose Back in Step PT for Dance Medicine?

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About Our PT

Besides her training and experience as a physical therapist, Dr. Alyssa has over 30 years of experience as a dancer. She’s received training in ballet and pointe, jazz, tap, hip hop, and salsa. Also, Dr. Alyssa has been a national circuit competitor in West Coast Swing since 2010.

Dance Medicine Affiliations:

(mouse over for details, click to follow link)


On-site Coverage:


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